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- /*⌐ Copyright 1988-1991 UserLand Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.*/
- /*
- bitmaps.c -- routines which manage off-screen bitmaps. In order to use these routines
- the program must call "initbitmaps" before calling anything.
- initbitmaps takes a boolean. if false, then all subsequent calls to bitmap routines do
- nothing but return.
- */
- #include "appletinternal.h"
- #include "bitmaps.h"
- BitMap offscreenbitmap, savedbitmap;
- Handle bitmapbasehandle;
- boolean flbitmapsenabled;
- boolean flbitmapopen = false; /*is one open right now?*/
- boolean openbitmap (r, w) Rect r; WindowPtr w; {
- register short nrowbytes;
- register long nboxbytes;
- register long sizehandle;
- flbitmapopen = false;
- if (!flbitmapsenabled) /*application doesn't want any bitmaps*/
- return (false);
- nrowbytes = (r.right - r.left + 7) / 8;
- if ((nrowbytes % 2) == 1) /*odd number*/
- nrowbytes++;
- nboxbytes = (r.bottom - r.top) * nrowbytes;
- SetHandleSize (bitmapbasehandle, nboxbytes);
- sizehandle = GetHandleSize (bitmapbasehandle);
- if (sizehandle < nboxbytes) {
- SetHandleSize (bitmapbasehandle, 10L);
- return (false);
- }
- HLock (bitmapbasehandle);
- offscreenbitmap.baseAddr = *bitmapbasehandle;
- offscreenbitmap.rowBytes = nrowbytes;
- offscreenbitmap.bounds = r;
- savedbitmap = (*w).portBits;
- CopyBits (&savedbitmap, &offscreenbitmap, &r, &r, srcCopy, nil);
- SetPortBits (&offscreenbitmap);
- flbitmapopen = true; /*remember in our own local global*/
- return (true);
- } /*openbitmap*/
- void closebitmap (w) WindowPtr w; {
- if (flbitmapsenabled && flbitmapopen) {
- flbitmapopen = false;
- SetPortBits (&savedbitmap);
- CopyBits (
- &offscreenbitmap, &((*w).portBits), &offscreenbitmap.bounds,
- &offscreenbitmap.bounds, srcCopy, nil);
- HUnlock (bitmapbasehandle);
- offscreenbitmap.baseAddr = 0;
- SetHandleSize (bitmapbasehandle, 10L);
- }
- } /*closebitmap*/
- void initbitmaps (boolean flbitmaps) {
- flbitmapsenabled = flbitmaps;
- if (flbitmapsenabled) {
- bitmapbasehandle = NewHandle (10L);
- offscreenbitmap.baseAddr = 0;
- offscreenbitmap.rowBytes = 2;
- SetRect (&offscreenbitmap.bounds, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- } /*initbitmaps*/